So, what you might ask? In fact you might have seen this blasphemy time and time again:
Or this variation written by another apostate (me, a few days ago):
While we may be blinded in the present, at some point your future-self will want to travel back in time
and smack you for your idiocy, like I wanted to, for this mea cupla.
The fundamental issue with bare excepts as they’re called in idiomatic python is, - as mentioned earlier -
these gremlins come back and bite you.
While trying to automate file uploads from my laptop to a cloud storage, I had a rogue IO function which
once, stalled indefinitely. Since I was uploading multiple files in sequence, this would halt the entire
program; (yes, I could use threads but that discussion is best left for another day).
Since this was all wrapped up in a busy loop which watched for changes, I was okay with one off failures.
In an attempt to tame the function I decided to use SIGALRM and this is when my foolishness dawned upon
Can you notice what’s wrong with the above snippet? db_call ends up eating all exceptions, which renders
my timeout logic ineffective.
The solution, you ask? Well, there’s little that we can do without using threads or a monitor process which
kills this script when it notices there’s no progress (the monitor in turn ascertain progress using the OS
or IPC flags).
So, as a favour to your future self, kindly avoid going bare (with exceptions).